Join The Wave
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Be inspired
Make things happen
Be Agile
Go beyond limits
Celebrate differences
B Corp
The Wave became a Certified B Corporation in 2017. B Corp acknowledges socially aware companies that use the power of business to solve social and environmental problems.
There are over 3,000 Certified B Corps around the globe, including Ben & Jerry’s, Kickstarter and Patagonia. We are proud to join them in redefining success in business, so that one day, everyone will use business as a force for good. To learn more about our certification, check out our B Corp profile.
The Caring Company Scheme
The Wave has been certified as a caring company from 2016 – 2020. The Caring Company Scheme (the Scheme) aims at cultivating good corporate citizenship. It is specifically geared towards building strategic partnerships between businesses and non-profit organizations to create a more cohesive society.
Besides cultivating corporate social responsibility, the Scheme also strives to promote partnerships between businesses and social welfare sectors. To learn more about our certification, please refer to the Scheme website.
Happy Company
The Wave was also awarded Happy Company, Hong Kong Corporate Citizenship Award and Social Capital Builders Award. These display that our company is playing a proactive role in engaging its staff in voluntary work and building a cohesive community in Hong Kong.
Apart from co-working space, The Wave is also an integrated entrepreneurial platform, creating shared value. Wave Movement is committed to promoting various philosophy, with the aim to achieve sustainability, improving the society and the environment. The Wave participated in “Earth Hour” in 2020, calling for actions to protect our environment.
Contact Us
+852 6393 9333