Wavers Community

Waver Community

Besides work space and event space, The Wave is also dedicated to creating a community culture. Through different facilities, feature articles, community events and Waver Benefits, not only do we hope to create a cozy work environment, but also provide business collaboration and expansion opportunities for Wavers.

Community Event

Apart from providing a well-round work and event environment, The Wave also actively organizes different kinds of networking activities, creating business collaboration opportunities among wavers and facilitating business expansion.

Waver Benefits

24 hours access

Community Network

Flexible Contract terms

Access to Exclusive events

Short walk from MTR station

Passionate team To support

Community Event

Wave Series

【WAVER SERIES】疫情囤貨開啟創業大門 網上生活百貨 K-mart 「不只網購平台咁簡單」


【WAVER SERIES】 引入日本光觸媒消毒技術 Aloes Tree副營運經理:推出自家產品才可增加競爭力

疫情使大眾更關注衛生,注意消毒殺菌,同時衍生出新商機。初創公司Aloes Tree引入了日本NanoWave 第六代光觸媒消毒及抗病毒保護膜技術分銷抗病毒產品,此技術已被證實可有效殺滅 SARS 冠狀病毒。

WAVER SERIES: 糖黐豆機械人公司創辦人團隊 Matthew Wong, Leo Kwan, Hovis Ho

糖黐豆機械人公司的英文名字是BONBON ROBOTICS。當中的「BONBON」 在法文意指糖果、甜食。糖黐豆機械人公司的創辦人團隊希望他們研發的機械人像糖果一樣,吸引小朋友玩機械人之餘,學習背後的程序知識,幫助小朋友的日後發展。